Friday, April 2, 2010

Dhir don missing !!!

Mr Dhir Lalit, a living dictionary, encyclopedia, francophone, cross-word solver, sudoku crazy and of course a Chikusa habitué is absent since fews days.
'The last news we have is he is not feeling well since his 27'' iMac betrayed him where he had all his photographs taken all over the world', a chikusa insider murmured us.


Unknown said...

Iceman missing ;)

Bibhu Man Rajbhandari said...

The last time he was heard from was during a phone conversation around 4 PM on April 1st 2010. He mentioned that he was very tired and he needed some very deserved rest.

Yudina Kali said...

The last time we (Maddy, I and Naresh dai) meet him was at Chikusa yesterday i.e April 1, 2010 around 9:30 am. He was solving Sudoku which was published on Himalayan Times.

Unknown said...

The Iceman had made a brief appearance at chikusa on the 2nd. He was there with Fucche, Fucche Sujan and myself. has become a missing person's bulletien ;)

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